Other scenes show a well in the centre (the coming together of different parts of the community), a fish stall and two competing floats.
His father ran a fish stall and in 1942 at the age of 14 when his father went into the army he took over the running of the stall.
Also appearing are sellers from a bread stall, a fish stall and a shell shop.
Pingu has gone out to get some fish from the fish stall.
Shi Jianing (石嘉宁, portrayed by Felicia Chin) - A fish stall operator at a local bazaar.
He then passes the fish stall, where Pingo is helping his grandfather.
Barrows were piled high with fruit and vegetables, and as they passed the fish stall they saw the fishmonger gutting an eel.
And one of the Gurran women that runs a fish stall, we got to be pretty good friends, I buy so much fish.
She finished a plate of fish and exchanged a nod and a grin with the little old woman who ran the fish stall.
For grilled fish straight from the sea, go to Ali's Les Bretons du Sud fish stall, (212-67) 19 42 34, in the port.