What can we do to restore this creature that once made up 25 percent of the fish biomass of Eastern rivers?
The index increases if catches increase for any reason, e.g. higher fish biomass, or geographic expansion.
Hydroacoustic assessments have traditionally employed mobile surveys from boats to evaluate fish biomass and spatial distributions.
They have even been found to at times comprise over half of the total fish biomass and therefore, they cause other previously dominant fish populations to decrease.
(This article provides a first estimate of global fish biomass)
Estimation of fish biomass in Laguna de Bay based on primary productivity.
Sampling via deep trawling indicates that lanternfish account for as much as 65% of all deep-sea fish biomass.
In Lake Stechlin, this species and the vendace (Coregonus albula) make up 95 percent of the fish biomass.
This resulted in a reduction of nearly 80% of fish biomass.
In some Clarias farms about 10% of the water volume can consist of fish biomass.