"It will be seen that there are serious, coherent policies behind this move, and fiscal targets which are being met."
Once signed, this locally bargained agreement will protect the classroom experience while meeting the board's fiscal targets.
The agreement will include fiscal targets for the provinces as well as the central government.
In order to maintain economic stability and to meet its fiscal targets, the Chancellor has announced some reductions in public spending.
The Chancellor's fiscal targets further out now look unattainable under current public spending and revenue plans given likely extended weak economic activity.
Falling interest rates, in turn, lowered the cost of public debt and helped the country achieve its fiscal targets.
Ed Balls's conference speech committing to clear fiscal targets from 2015 was a step in the right direction.
Every Member State should stick to its fiscal targets.
Both should be reducing their double-digit unemployment rates, not chasing arbitrary monetary and fiscal targets.
The county says it will come to the museum's aid, but only if it replaces its chief executive and meets a series of fiscal targets.