All of this we must do, and will do, within a framework of fiscal soundness.
The bank requires the monetary fund's certification of Russia's fiscal and economic soundness before making loans.
The serious threat of the proposed tax cut to fiscal soundness becomes apparent when you look at the numbers a little more closely.
Listening to them last week, you'd think they were engaged in cosmic battles about pension security and fiscal soundness.
The ratings are considered an important gauge of a company's fiscal soundness.
If Albany cares for the city's fiscal soundness, it won't happen.
Authorizers demand evidence of academic and fiscal soundness before a charter is issued.
The economy must get through the recession before we can minister to its long-term fiscal soundness.
Many but not all Republicans pretend that we can achieve fiscal soundness with no new taxes.
Many but not all Democrats pretend that we can achieve fiscal soundness while doing nothing about runaway growth in entitlement programs.