It has been an attractive fiscal regime and the impact of this is that it has become unattractive.
Under changing fiscal regimes there are clear advantages in holding a diverse international portfolio which offers alternative investment opportunities to maximise value for the Company.
For this reason, the fiscal regime of US is divergent from that found typical of other countries elsewhere.
New public procurement and competition laws were passed, and reforms to the tax, fiscal and investment regimes were implemented.
How to ensure transparency and predictability of regulatory and fiscal regimes, and their ability to adapt to fast-changing technologies?
Firstly, a tight fiscal regime is to operate at European level over the period to the year 2006.
We have already approved what we call REF, the economic and fiscal regime.
Harmonising only one part of the tax system is potentially more harmful than maintaining the different fiscal regimes that currently exist.
A services tax underscores Florida's sorry fiscal regime.
The law covers housing arrangements, civil servants and work benefits, the option to choose a fiscal regime as married partners, and welfare benefits.