But in return, the city was forced to relinquish its fiscal oversight to a review board made up of state and local officials.
But the accountability office lists Medicaid as "a high-risk program, because of growing concerns about the quality of fiscal oversight."
The BOP also provides fiscal and management oversight to provide support to and promote the student press.
County Democrats have long favored some form of fiscal oversight.
The archdiocese has direct fiscal oversight over these schools.
Congress had surrendered its power of fiscal oversight, one of the historical bases of democracy.
The owners who hired Ravitch supposedly didn't discover their fiscal oversight until an Executive Council meeting a few weeks ago.
But in exchange, the city gave up its fiscal oversight to a financial review board of state and local officials.
While expressing support for fiscal oversight, he said he did not believe the oversight should rest solely in the hands of the Mayor.
The first is the Board of Directors, responsible for the overall guidance and direction of the organization and fiscal oversight.