The album's first-week sales of 766,000 were the most by any country act this year.
The set also claims the biggest first-week sales for a television soundtrack.
The album's debut broke the record for first-week sales by a female artist.
It recorded the biggest first-week sales of any single since 2000, selling over 453,000.
Odd., which debuted without much commercial attention in 2008, with first-week sales of 139,000.
It had the biggest first-week sales of 2007 with 218,805 copies sold.
The album is expected to ring up first-week sales in the range of 170,000.
The single debuted at number 18 on the Billboard 100, with first-week sales of 124,000.
It peaked at number 23 on Billboard 200 with a first-week sales of 39,000.
Believe debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 with first-week sales of 374,000.