The six community colleges now hold about 37 percent of all undergraduates at the university and about 45 percent of the first-time freshmen.
Of these first-time freshmen, 82 percent required at least some remediation.
The institutions below are ranked by average SAT score of first-time freshman for the 2012-2013 academic year.
A first-time freshman describes a student entering a 4-year college or university for the first time.
Of the students enrolled in Fall 2011, 53.7% of undergraduates and 60.8% of first-time freshmen received some form of financial aid in 2011-12.
Approximately 40 percent of our students study part-time, and in Fall 2008 almost 700 new students were transfer students and over 1,000 were first-time freshmen.
There were 4,863 students in fall 2011, of whom 595 were first-time degree-seeking freshman, 2,931 were undergraduates, and 1,932 were postgraduates.
The data were statistically adjusted to be representative of the 1.64 million students who entered as first-time, full-time freshmen last fall.
At Baruch College in Manhattan, where the number of first-time freshmen jumped 27 percent, to 1,728, officials are wondering where to put them.
These schools enrolled more than 50 percent of first-time freshmen.