"Jacksonville is a blank canvas," said Mayor Peyton, a first-term Republican.
But they must defend 19 seats next year, including many held by first-term Republicans, compared with 14 for Democrats.
The seat is being vacated by Senator Peter G. Fitzgerald, a first-term Republican.
He is Oxford's youngest-ever elected selectman, a first-term Republican who is up for re-election this year.
As a first-term Republican, Mr. Millard wasn't surprised at a lack of support from the Dinkins administration.
Senators could vote Monday or Tuesday on whether the first-term Republican should be removed from office.
A spokeswoman for Gov. Don Sundquist, a first-term Republican, said the Governor had not considered whether he would sign the legislation.
Ms. Greene, a first-term Republican who has resumed using her maiden name, has said she was unaware of her husband's actions.
Gov. Stan Stephens, a first-term Republican, withdrew from the race in January because of poor health.
"We have not discovered a problem yet," said Mr. Foster, a first-term Republican who is considered friendly to business.