It is my job to give our first-team offense and defense the best look I can at what they will see each week.
Fassel, who intends to use both players with the first-team offense, said it was an open competition.
The first-team offense will play almost a quarter.
The Cowboys' first-team offense has scored only three touchdowns in 15 possessions.
Bober snapped for the practice team today and will probably work out with the first-team offense on Thursday.
Collins, by design, did take more snaps with the first-team offense than usual.
Most telling is that Jacobs has been playing with the first-team offense in practice, something that did not happen last year.
The first-team offense departed for good with 12 minutes, 43 seconds left in the second quarter.
Their first-team offense and defense had dominated the game.
Alford worked with the first-team offense this afternoon in practice and made some good catches.