On the dais facing the cameras and the crowd of 5,000 people, elected officials took up most of the first-row seats, while the players sat in the second and third rows.
Father Gregorios was sitting in a first-row seat.
The judge would always make sure that he and his family had first-row seats.
Friends of the show's dancers, that's who, and friends of the guy who lights her videos, and employees of the "Rosie O'Donnell Show," without their boss, who had first-row seats.
The senior professors in the department always took the first-row seats, and soon he was sitting only two rows behind them.
Tables on the wooden-deck terrace face La Grande Arche and those inside woo diners with first-row seats at the Bassin Agam.
Even en route, her plane turned out to have a waiting contingent of news workers aboard, as well as a security guard by her first-row seat in the first-class cabin.
His first-row upper-deck seat, in foul territory next to the right-field foul pole, cost $76.
"I had a first-row seat on that one," said Luyendyk, who barely missed Tracy's car.
Some tour operators offer transportation, a poster and first-row seats on the shady side of the ring for $36.