A long and well-chosen wine list complements this first-rate restaurant that is flourishing on a faded block.
Marbled baths, a fine gym, four first-rate restaurants (including a sushi bar), concierge services - the works, starting at $280.
Many first-rate restaurants posted prices without including the service charge, leaving tipping to the discretion of the customer, and sometimes the practice varied within an establishment.
The Chung Wah is a first-rate Chinese restaurant serving the real thing.
In fact, there seemed to be an unwritten law that a hotel, to rate as chic, had to have a first-rate restaurant.
Although the three meat choices here were excellent, vegetarian specialities are often the best tasting, most typical available at a first-rate Indian restaurant.
Nieporent likes to say that the concept of Montrachet was a first-rate French restaurant with "no barriers."
"How come there are so many first-rate restaurants clustered in this one town?"
And if her teammates catch up, they'll have a first-rate restaurant on their hands.
Not too many years ago our hypothetical Q. and A. would have been all too common in even first-rate Italian restaurants.