Like her other films, Kiki was praised for its quality of productions, first-rate cast, clothes and settings.
A first-rate cast has been recruited to play the assorted English characters in the drama.
Supported by a first-rate cast, it is one of those performances that will stick with you for a while.
So why, given this largely first-rate cast, was the result less than the sum of its parts?
And he has assembled a first-rate cast of dancers who can act.
A first-rate cast makes it all the more easy.
Strengthened by this first-rate cast, the not-so-loving Campbell clan will hold your interest.
But this was an unusually fine performance with a first-rate cast.
All of this is brought home splendidly by a first-rate cast.
"Enemy at the Gates" has its deficiencies, but the first-rate cast is not among them.