Neither of these first-rate actors is shown to great dramatic advantage, but they both do a lot to make the movie shine.
Despite the endless fooling about, and when he wasn't behaving as if punch drunk, Wisdom was actually a first-rate actor.
But the characters around him are lame, and several first-rate actors wasted.
The casting of first-rate actors is a Kollek hallmark.
What constantly impressed was her fastidious intelligence and capacity for stillness: always the mark of a first-rate actor.
What we get instead is a chance to hear some first-rate actors practice their tough-guy accents.
Mr. Cunningham, a first-rate actor, seems to get lost behind the captain's beard.
This was helped further by the exceptional performances by the first-rate actors cast in the series.
It is hardly unusual for first-rate actors to outshine their material.
"Trey is pretty much the star, but they're both first-rate actors."