The company said that drug sales this year would likely exceed a previous growth target of 10 percent, given the strong first-quarter figures.
Today's report marks the second and final revision of the first-quarter figures.
The first-quarter figure of $270,000 was $5,000 higher than the median for the first quarter of 1991.
The first-quarter figure, however, was revised to 0.4 percent from 0.3 percent previously.
Analysts said the first-quarter figures exceeded expectations but the company had not given new strategic guidance.
Based on the first-quarter figures, merchants are eliminating, on average, more than 17,000 jobs a month.
Nokia is scheduled to report its first-quarter figures next week.
This year, first-quarter figures show a 2 percent increase in foreign visitors to South Florida.
The company is scheduled to report its first-quarter figures next week.
Still, first-quarter figures can be less revealing than campaigns might suggest.