The 110 had picked the wrong sixth number - 40, not 42 - and would have been first-place winners if they did.
Don't forget your forehead, neck or ears, or you might look like the first-place winner in a pumpkin-pie-eating contest.
One of the two first-place winners was an aspiring conductor named Leonard Bernstein.
The past two years she won the contest at the local level, and went on to compete against first-place winners throughout the state.
"The main thing we do for our pianists is arrange two years of concerts, and every presenter says, 'We want the first-place winner.' "
The first-place winner of our annual competition receives $1,500, with runner-up prizes as warranted.
Of the three judges who determined the first-place winner, two awarded Devitt as the winner.
Here are the first-place winners, who will be honored this week at a ceremony in Trenton.
At the X Games, the first-place winner received $50,000, and second place $16,000.
In January 2011 the boys and girls ski teams were both first-place winners in the national ski race.