Learning Journeys are site visits that provide first-hand perspectives on how policies and ideas can be implemented successfully.
Additionally, Machen's story was written from a first-hand perspective and was a kind of false document, a technique Machen knew well.
Published (and often polished) accounts of personal experiences on the Grand Tour provide illuminating detail and a first-hand perspective of the experience.
"From our perspective, a very informed, first-hand perspective, these products are used regularly, used safely and used effectively," Mr. Scalisi said.
During the 1930s and '40s, the hotel provided visitors with a first-hand perspective on the area's military activities.
Additional original articles examine significant figures like Harold Pritchett, and oral histories by longtime members provide first-hand perspectives.
Witnessing a live hearing provides participants a first-hand perspective of the process by which legislation is created and shaped.
Bonnie is well respected throughout the educational technology field as having first-hand and realistic perspective on the digital divide.
Additionally, the film crew joins the organization on numerous missions to gain first-hand perspective of the mission as volunteers and observing with a critical eye.
Video oral histories are key part of the projects, showing first-hand perspectives that are placed alongside original academic essays and digitized historical materials.