Now that the big kids are firmly installed in their classrooms, the small ones are monopolizing the spotlight in clothes that are clearly too cool for school.
After initial difficulties due to injuries, he was firmly installed in the side's central midfield, remaining there for nine consecutive years and helping the team win 19 titles, overall.
At age 82, the three-time Academy Award-winning director "now finds himself firmly installed in Animation History," and the good news is that he is still going strong.
I was now firmly installed in an all-male world.
A matching bolt is then installed and tightened firmly, compressing the sleeve.
The ship remained in Helsingfors until 30 April, by which time the White government had been installed firmly in power.
With the elections annulled and Ballivián firmly installed in the Palacio Quemado, Urriolagoitia left the country.
The revolt would have to be over - and achieved - within twenty-four hours and the new government firmly installed.
"The idea of zero deficit, the notion that the government shouldn't spend more than it collects, is now firmly installed in Argentina," Mr. Noguera said.
A matching bolt is then installed and tightened firmly, compressing the sleeve against the rear of the wall.