The firm had relied on Alger's stories to make them money.
During the 1930s, thirty-two mining companies, twenty-eight automotive firms, and a similar number of food companies relied upon labor spies.
Without an R&D program, a firm must rely on strategic alliances, acquisitions, and networks to tap into the innovations of others.
The firm can rely on the intermediary if it has no reasonable grounds to doubt what he says.
The firm relied on information that he provided, and it discussed this information with him.
The smaller the firm, the more they rely on patents -especially startups and individual inventors.
In recent years, the firm has relied on an analysis of the present value of free cash flow to judge a stock's worth.
When offshoring knowledge work, firms heavily rely on the availability of technical personnel at offshore locations.
She's too involved in the business and the firm relies too heavily on her design skills and fabric know-how.
By contrast, the leading British electronics firms rely on making what are called 'specials'.