The term 'economies of agglomeration' is used in urban economics to describe the benefits that firms obtain when locating near each other.
Coster responded with a demand that the firm obtain a $3 million loan "for improvements."
Traditionally large firms obtained funding through bank loans rather than capital markets, but in the late 1980s they began to rely more on direct financing.
'There are now quite a few sources from which firms can obtain this finance.'
When Lewellyn missed margin calls on his stock purchases, the firms obtained the bonds.
In the theory of capital structure, External financing is the phrase used to describe funds that firms obtain from outside of the firm.
It is almost impossible to devise a method of ensuring that all the firms involved obtain an equal share of the cake.
And when minority-owned firms obtain loans, they pay higher interest rates.
"There are commercial sensitivities where even the fact that a firm has obtained an injunction would be damaging."
The firm obtained a municipal contract for the construction of the Catalina Docks.