Though there are no firm figures, advocates estimate that as many as 5,000 people need these services now.
Although firm figures for the potential development of the airport haven't yet been finalised, it is estimated that the project would cost at least £40billion.
Health authorities did not keep firm figures on babies with crack before use of the drug became widespread more than five years ago.
Sales were so spotty, he said, that the department had no firm figures on volume and prices.
One reason the airlines miscalculated, perhaps, was that no firm figures were available on the cuts in corporate travel.
But she had a full, firm figure, a loving disposition, and, best of all, was dynamite in bed.
Policy changes and 'horse-trading' could then be considered in Cabinet on the basis of firm figures.
"How long before the other firm figures what we've done?"
Because the rule has not been enforced in recent years, teams have not had or needed firm figures on their values.
"While we have no firm figures yet to show employment going up, we suspect that's been happening."