The firm initially consisted of eight architects in Kansas City, and grew to employ 185 people by 1996.
The firm consists of three business areas: construction, engineering and metals.
The firm, based out of London, consists of two partners, one assistant solicitor, and three other fee earners.
By 2002 the firm consisted of 2,100 memberships and 500 employees.
The firm consists of two divisions: Event Management and Design.
The firm consists of over 35 former politicians, public relations specialists, lawyers, journalists, and corporate executives.
The firm consists of three business areas:
The firm consists of almost 1,700 attorneys and government professionals in 33 offices across the globe.
This is not just an issue for large enterprises - many small firms consist of separate business units pursuing different strategies.
When Latham & Watkins was founded, the firm consisted of three attorneys.