Had the firm backed Mr. Hewlett, the deal might well have died, analysts said.
Since 1991, the firm has backed almost 100 management teams through various investments.
Today, by contrast, his firm backs companies "like thefacebook, which have built a deep relationship again and again with the customer."
But the firm backed out of the deal when Manischewitz declined to provide information on the price-fixing investigation.
On Saturday, a venture-capital firm backed out of a large investment it had been planning to make in the company.
In the early 20th century the firm backed the construction of the Panama Canal.
A. We implemented a new surveillance system on May 6 to help us identify if a firm has backed away from its quote.
Because domestic firms backed the wrong technology, American customers bought imported robots rather than home-made ones.
Notwithstanding, the firm has backed all the way, and has continued to work for Bell Lawrie, even if he cannot give advice to clients.
"I want him to know that the firm of Feingold and Martin is backing me in this to the hilt."