Speculation is that the firm attempted to grow too fast without a sufficient capital base.
It assumes that firms faced with increased demand for their products will immediately attempt to increase their capital stocks.
The firm will attempt to find jobs for those employees in other Mercer offices, a spokesman said.
Over the following years, both firms in the Wintel partnership would attempt to extend their monopolies.
With this knowledge, no firms attempt to enter the industry and an oligopoly or monopoly develops.
- We are concerned that either firm may attempt to circumvent Indian laws and regulations again.
Some firms have attempted to create a new market for structured products that are no longer trading.
"The firm was attempting to resolve matters without filing for bankruptcy."
The firm again attempted to increase its lumber limits once again, but this time permission was refused.
The firm attempted to raise £65,000,000 in finances from its investors on 7 April 2011.