An imposing fireplace made of stones hauled up from the beach dominates the large room, which is open to the rafters.
All of the cooking is done on a large fireplace made of stones taken from an abandoned quarry.
To demonstrate its suitability for recycling, there are many examples of seats, settles and fireplaces made from reclaimed timber also on sale.
At one end stands a 20-foot-high fireplace made with 200 tons of rounded Lake Superior rocks.
Behind his chair at the table was a fireplace made of stones he had collected in his travels over the years.
We walked past a palm tree in an urn and an enormous, painted fireplace made of creek stones.
The attached photo shows a fireplace made out of books that were destined for the recycling bin.
Platform two's waiting room has a fireplace made of black marble, which includes many fossilised orthoceras cephalopods, dated to approximately 400 million years old.
"The best rooms had fireplaces made of marble or slate."
Abide has Young's first fireplace made of Onaway stone.