To join bricks at exposed corners like the edges of raised fireplace hearths, miter the edges of bricks that come together.
The fireplace hearth was charred, blackened by years of providing warmth.
Q. My fireplace hearth consists of a large piece of slate.
The heating was efficient enough that the fireplace hearth in the first floor living space could be reduced in size.
A thick red carpet atop the inlaid wood floors led almost to the fireplace hearth.
He strode through the foyer and sat down in one of the chairs next to the fireplace hearth.
To join bricks at exposed corners - on a fireplace hearth, for example - miter the adjoining edges.
The low fireplace hearth is guarded by a bumper.
Sighing softly, Serenity turned away from Obed and walked over to the place where Biscuit lay sleeping near the fireplace hearth.
The students of the Program made a few improvements to the hut including repairs to the fireplace hearth and new window shutters.