Away in the distant hills shepherds' fires winked like stars fallen upon the land.
Our all three coming together for the first time in such an unusual place was a thing to talk about, and we talked about it; and the fire, which had left off roaring, winked its red eyes at us--as Richard said--like a drowsy old Chancery lion.
A fire winked and crackled in the old stone hearth, the black, potbellied kettle stood on a wooden shelf with all the other cooking paraphernalia, the same dark-hued hangings sagged on their pins, the ammonwood furniture was worn to a glossy sheen.
Further behind, small fires winked in the encircling fog bank.
It was distant, far back in the slave quarters where, before some of the cabins, small fires winked and fluttered in the darkness and the huddled shapes about them seemed without form.
In a little while, a fourth fire winked into life like a star alighting on a faraway hill.
The fires winked at Leto as people passed in front of them-Museum Fremen exercising their right to occupy the sacred precincts.
In its deepest, cloudy depths, red fire winked like infected eyes.