The North Koreans finally withdrew at 22:15, though a SU-76 self-propelled gun continued to fire sporadically into the Australian positions until 23:00.
The M-16s only fired sporadically now, up on the higher ground, though there was still a lot of vehicle noise and shouting up and down the treeline.
The two machine gunners fired sporadically but methodically, a cross fire that picked victims carefully.
The strikers continued to sporadically fire on the barges.
Nelson fired sporadically at the planes throughout the day.
Alien rifles and laser blasters fired sporadically, providing cover for konish soldiers as they scurried to more advanced positions.
The strikers continued to sporadically fire on the stranded barges, and an attempt was made to sink the barges with a cannon.
The pistols fired sporadically.
The gunners continue to fire sporadically at the city, causing death and injury to civilians every day.
Mr. Olsen, meantime, continued to fire sporadically at officers in the street.