When the soldiers saw the apparition, they fired gunshots at the Virgin Mary.
One man fired several gunshots at the other, striking the health aide, the police said.
British paratroopers shot a Serbian policeman dead here this afternoon after he fired gunshots near one of their patrols.
Jackson says he fired several gunshots from a 9-mm pistol as an act of self-defense.
At the opening, two artists fired gunshots into their installation.
His lawyer said the suspect fled because a passer-by had fired gunshots he thought were aimed at him.
Perry, who had been warned about the mob in advance, fired gunshots from inside the home in self-defense.
The police said up to three men in the truck fled on foot as another motorist halted and fired gunshots into the air.
At one point, she pulled up to Walton's car and "pretended to fire gunshots at him with her hand."
His lawsuit contends that Federal agents fired gunshots from behind the compound.