Ballistics says the bullets were fired from a suppressed rifle.
They speculate the shot was fired from a high-powered rifle at long range.
It was at least three bursts fired from an automatic rifle.
At about 1pm a single shot was fired from a rifle, hitting the gunman in the upper neck and face.
When fired from a rifle at standing position, most of the bullets would drop to the ground at approximately 100 meters.
The beetle came in a single whistling trajectory, fired from an invisible rifle.
A smaller, less powerful version of the M10, the M9, was then developed, which could be fired from a rifle.
The bullet had probably been fired from a British rifle, since they were the most common in these parts.
When the man's son fired a shot from a rifle, Warlimpirrnga ran off.
Thus a bullet fired horizontally from a rifle falls at the same rate as one that is simply dropped.