If it fired downward, it could hit us.
Miya fired downward.
At ten-second intervals, what looked like tracer bullets fired downward from the planet shaper into the cloud cover surrounding Venus.
The Shadow, elevated on the stairs, fired downward from the other.
Gordon sprang to the rim of the ledge and fired downward without apparent aim, but a man grunted and fell, his rifle striking against Willoughby's boot.
The ship lowered under apparent anti-gravity power, fired downward using something like a laser and dropped down a probe.
There he fired three shots downward through the hull.
A leaning figure at the top of the tower fired downward at the climbing agent of The Shadow.
Naturally, nobody in the chamber actually heard the sound of coherent gravitons, fired downward from the superconducting antenna.
Then a man with a pistol walked along and fired a bullet downward into each head.