They are finished works of art, full of mimicry and telling gesture.
Patron's earliest finished works are stored in a private collection.
By the 1870s, the firm was offering both designs for embroideries and finished works.
Mostly, the contents are finished works by some 70 artists, many of them well known as painters.
And the resulting pictures weren't sketches, not really, but finished works of art in themselves.
Even at this point, however, Balakirev had trouble finishing large works; the symphony would not be finished until decades later.
Others consider the items created through automatism to be finished works themselves, needing no further refinement.
He also projected, but did not finish, several other works.
In August 2009 at station have finished works on installation of all four escalators.
There will be a few multiples but only because they are finished works which exist essentially in that form.