This picture was begun in 1920 but not finished till 1923.
The article is full of anecdotes about 11-year-olds who don't finish their schoolwork till 11 p.m.
The last reactor was shut down in 1995, although decommissioning of the site will not finish till 2018.
Erm until Gillian because she, she doesn't finish till five when she's doing the manager's shift.
It was still light when we finished dinner, a good three hours till bedtime.
After finishing her schooling till 10th, she opted for Arts and followed her interest in theater.
The work was not declared finished till March 1653, twelve years after Bedford's death.
They don't finish till half past nine the earliest, any night!
December it's not going to finish till December.
You do realize it doesn't finish till half past nine don't you?