After Strang finished testifying on the stand at Elsie's trial, he was sentenced to death by hanging.
As each woman finished testifying, a defense lawyer asked how she would be affected by the execution of Ronell Wilson.
When she finished testifying, Mr. Carney, the defense lawyer, said he would not cross-examine her.
After he finished testifying he had a heart attack.
But he finished testifying on Tuesday without hinting that he had been present at this one, his 28th since he began his crusade in 1990.
Judge Bork himself has made no public statements since he finished testifying before the Judiciary Committee on Sept. 19.
When he finished testifying for the prosecution, he was made a defense witness and continued testifying.
The first witness spent a sixth day on the stand today and did not finish testifying.
It's a bit much for Clinton, three hours after he finished testifying, to start impugning Starr's credibility.