I just finished listening to the most recent Listener Feedback episode.
Scarcely had Kristin finished listening to this most unlikely story when more news came, a fresh discovery almost as difficult to believe.
Hanfor finished listening to the scout, then turned his mount and rode back up the road to Anna.
I finished listening to it at the third try and would like to never hear it again, if that is possible.
Now, I just finished listening to 302 and the password revelation which you would be sharing with us next week.
The man sitting next to Kate on the bus finished listening to his cassettes.
Every once in a while I'll sprinkle in a more recent episode, just finished listening to 297.
I'd just finished listening to the new record.
Steve, I couldn't listen live, so I just finished listening to last week's.
I just finished listening to Episode 152 of Security Now!