I haven't even finished assembling the cast, and already they're plotting together.
Without that transporter in action, it would be impossible to finish assembling the station.
He moved silently into position over the troops as they finished assembling the portable cannon, and brought its computers on line.
I wanted to tell her that if she finished assembling the crib, I would give birth to the child.
Finish assembling the Red File, and put these into it.
"I don't have a maid," 'Berto said, and finished assembling the coffee.
THE guests were expected in 15 minutes, and the ninjas had only just finished assembling their costumes.
When you finish assembling the troops, report to Transkei.
We went back inside the house and finished assembling the stereo, then hooked up her TV to the roof antenna.
The cop who had brought me in had almost finished assembling the deep-sea fishing pole.