Friedrich did so, letting his fingers roam the ancient leather cover as he inspected words embossed with gold leaf.
The man's fingers roamed over her exposed flesh as Oba's had done.
Miss Gallin's fingers like dancing feathers on face, then roaming hands, feet and neck with ever more authority.
Often, her fingers roamed over him from head to toe, only it wasn't the head and toes that bothered him.
He let his fingers roam over it, over the grain, into the grooves, while the sound of.
And as her questing fingers roamed the girl's rosy face, she smiled.
But even as his fingers roamed along her nyloned thigh, she felt the overwhelming panic begin to seize her.
Then his finger roamed over the damp fullness of her lip.
Her curious fingers roamed, with the uncanny ability to find and exploit weaknesses he'd been unaware he had.
Val Con sat at the piano, letting his fingers roam randomly over the keys.