One persistent finger of sunshine had landed directly on Gar's left eyelid.
About noon a finger of land thrust forth into the sea; Reith landed the boat on a dismal gray beach and went out foraging.
His finger landed on Jeren.
She hesitated a moment, and then her gloved fingers came up and landed, light as a butterfly, on his arm.
A passenger in the aisle started to pass out, and as he was falling, the cardiologist's fingers somehow landed on his neck pulse, which was slow.
I reached into the darkness and my fingers landed on something soft and damp.
His outstretched fingers landed on the control box and then slowly released as he slumped to the floor.
His finger landed twice, once on his cheek, once on his jaw, before it hit its mark.
The finger and the gun landed a few feet away.
Maybe just spin a globe and go wherever his finger landed, like in the movies.