With a finely pointed pen in black ink and a meticulous touch, this Vancouver-based artist draws cartoons about a bald, long-nosed, sad-sack of a character called "Schmo."
And since the raised span is so far from shore, for all its size it seems small and slight, a few strokes from a finely pointed pen.
Throughout his life he was a prolific draftsman; his many portrait drawings executed with a finely pointed graphite pencil are close in style to those of Ingres.
This might be compared to drawing the picture with a more finely pointed pencil.
Japanese: shorter length sticks tapering to a finely pointed end.
Now Ms. Battaly took the bird, and using a finely pointed forceps, began to ruffle its feathers in a search for tick larvae.
Zorn studied the very thin, austere-looking foreigner, a courtly gentleman with a finely pointed goatee.
The normal way of using a finely pointed stylus to "feel" the surface no longer sufficed.
Hardness is often measured by nanoindentation methods in which a finely pointed stylus of natural diamond is forced into the surface of a specimen.
There was a group of artists whose work in plumbago is remarkable for their portraits drawn with finely pointed pieces of graphite and on vellum.