The bits of purple, burgundy, and blue are a mix of fruit, finely diced, which is called rastentha.
The cucumbers are either pureed and strained, or seeded and finely diced.
The larger ingredients are diced finely.
Finely diced or coarsely ground fatback is an important ingredient in sausage making and in some meat dishes.
The vegetables should be diced finely so that they will melt away once the dish is done.
In the recipe here, finely diced mushrooms are added to subtly enhance the flavor.
Add them to mix, along with ginger and 2 carrots, peeled and finely diced, and a large pinch of salt.
Once julienned, turning the subject 90 degrees and dicing finely (again 1-2 mm, equal to other dimensions) will produce brunoise.
At other times it may have a filling that consists of a very ripe (but not rotten) banana diced finely.
Soubise sauce (finely diced onions that have been sweated in butter)