She had the same finely chiseled features and penetrating eyes as her mother.
His nose was straight and narrow, the nostrils finely chiselled.
She had such finely chiseled features, all excess pared from them.
He was about Banks's height, around five feet eight or nine, with curly dark hair and finely chiseled features.
Her face was finely chiseled, with high cheekbones and a strong but not masculine jaw.
The head is often finely chiseled, narrow at the muzzle, with a broad forehead.
On his finely chiselled features was the shadow of another concern as he turned to Atlan.
Her Elven features were finely chiseled with high cheekbones and a wide, thin mouth.
The second movement was focused and finely chiseled with some extraordinarily songful phrasing.
She was very beautiful, her features finely chiselled, her blond hair bleached from the sun.