Everything is purely functional, but in fine woolens, silks and cottons, closer in concept to Calvin Klein than to the Gap.
He brightened-if such a thing could be said of him-when Nynaeve directed that bolts of silk and carpets and bales of fine woolens be left below.
Neiman Marcus executives were on the watch for fine woolens to turn into private-label jackets and skirts.
Outland merchants in fine woolens leaped right along with locals in brocaded silk vests or those useless coats slung on their shoulders.
Seven sisters awaited her in the night, one from each Ajah, all wearing their vine-covered shawls over silks or fine woolens, their faces ageless masks.
Later, Oliver Moses, a businessman from Bath, ME was brought in as they sought to build a factory producing fine woolens.
His customers appreciate the feel of fine woolens and alpacas, of silks satins and silk chiffons.
Masema's guards filled the street from side to side and stretched around the corners of the next streets, bony fellows in stolen silks, beardless apprentices in torn coats, once-plump merchants in the remains of fine woolens.
After barely three years as Aes Sedai, Sareitha's dark square face had not yet achieved agelessness, and she looked a prosperous merchant in her fine bronze-colored woolens with a large silver-and-sapphires brooch holding her cloak.
This is the local branch of Uruguay's national cooperative, selling fine woolens.