The critics contend that the high costs of capturing fine soot will outweigh any benefit.
The court also blocked a new standard on fine soot, but soot was not part of today's action by the agency.
The agency is also beginning to draft a paper recommending how to translate the findings into the final language of a rule to cut fine soot.
It was half full of exceedingly fine soot, which floated out and filled the room completely.
While all the window-panes were intact, a fine soot had settled in every crevice and crack.
The heavy metals, while small in quantity, are released in the form of a very fine soot.
He would come home covered in fine black soot, utterly drained and dreading the next shift.
Whenever I leave the windows open I get a fine soot on top of the cabinet.
It lay in "the black shadow, like the finest soot, that suddenly shows up, slyly, on white bread, or white walls."
Casey saw a solid steel surface, precisely curved, covered with fine soot from the engine.