Cone had lost only once to the Tigers in 12 games and is one of the finest pitchers in baseball.
that fine pitcher that has been going to the well for all these thousands of years.
Going into tonight's game, the 24-year-old left-hander, perhaps the Yankees' finest pitcher, was almost certainly their best pitcher in games following a loss.
Hentgen is a fine pitcher with a fine, young Toronto team.
"I think he'll be one of the fine young pitchers in this league for a time to come."
Harvey Haddix was a fine pitcher, but not the greatest.
"He's going to be a really fine starting pitcher," Randolph said.
Managers used to fine pitchers who riled Robinson by hitting him.
"He's a young kid who we think is still a fine pitcher," Merrill said.
In fact, he has been the Yankees' finest pitcher over the last two seasons.