In Turin's view, "the cheapness of the formula" is the main reason most fine perfumes are lousy.
The young man was immaculate and anointed with fine and subtle perfumes.
Not unpleasant - but even a fine perfume would have seemed a stench from the dungheap when it reached her nostrils under these present conditions!
Feijoa fruit has a distinctive, potent smell that resembles that of a fine perfume.
In this exotic-smelling shop one can purchase the finest French perfumes at low prices.
The smell of fine Bretonnian perfume wafted up from it.
She would smell of the finest perfume, one that came in a tiny crystal bottle from a faraway place called France.
At issue is a chapter on Muhammad, which begins with a description of a "man who loved beautiful women, fine perfume, and tasty food."
"It's like the difference between toilet water and a fine perfume," he said.