He told me, 'You've got a very fine outfit there.'
After that, I bought a fine outfit of my own, proof against any blade or bullet or magic bolt.
Women appear in fine outfits lavishly accessorized with large, elaborate hats.
I believe five royals should get you a fine outfit, though things cost more than they did when I was a girl.
Oh yes," he said with enthusiasm, " I've got a fine brand-new outfit in this bag, all but a hat.
It was the finest tight-formation outfit in Fighter Command.
Matheson said today that the theater is a "fine" outfit and that environmental education for children is important.
You went and played war with ZAP, and a fine outfit they were too.
"Your Last Mistake" is a comedown that seems to cement this album's high quality by an equally fine outfit.
Plus the money to maintain a fine outfit like this.