Occupational therapists are experts in the field of fine motor and handwriting development.
Is the development of a fine motor skill thwarted by an aversion to cursive handwriting?
Maybach's creations are considered some of the finest motors of the second half of the 19th century.
At the same time, he could also easily extract a tiny hair (fine motor) from his guinea pig.
They have normal spelling and normal finger tapping speed, suggesting that this subtype is not fine motor based.
My fine motor control isnâ t sensitive enough to quite get the hang of the chairâ s controls.
A few have normal intelligence, most of whom have learning difficulties such as struggling with fine motor, speech skills, and memory.
Impaired fine motor function (such as trouble writing).
Gross motor development impairments take 18 months to return to normal but fine motor function impairments persist.
Techniques are incorporated using a variety of media while developing fine motor and problem-solving skills.