The open cup nest consists of plant material lined with fine grasses.
"It can't always," he complained to Libby, who was lying near him on the fine grass, "be time for tea."
The level ground was completely covered with the finest grass.
The nests are lined with fine grass, animal hair and white feathers.
Very little dust except in one stretch, fine grass, lots of water.
"It might hurt his feelings," said Peter, dropping luxuriously into the long fine grass.
The nest, built by the female, is a deep cup of plant material lined with fine grasses or horsehair.
The lining is made of fine grass stems neatly circling the cup.
The children rolled off, fell without hurting themselves on the warm, fine grass, and stood up panting a little.
Only this one had stopped, and with the fine grass they had found I did not wonder at it.