It was in silk with a layer of fine gauze over it.
It was like looking at it through many curtains of fine gauze; its trees seemed shifting, ethereal, unreal.
The dream images tore like fine gauze in a wind as Romilla stirred, restless.
She searched quickly in one of the pockets of her bag and brought out a small square of soft/ fine gauze.
Redi took the first group of three, and covered the tops with fine gauze so that only air could get into it.
You will flutter high, but your wings are of the finest gauze, dusted with the fairest pigments.
A particularly precious or tender example may have been 'silked' by an expert hand, that is placed between two sheets of fine entirely transparent gauze.
The first false eyelashes were made of human hair woven through fine gauze by a local wig maker.
And last of all three plastic bowls, each covered with a fine gauze through which came the aroma of mixed spices.
The head sat on a slender neck, presenting a markedly human face, although flattened and covered with that fine gauze of dark fur.