The force for contraction is provided by very fine muscle-like filaments within the filopod.
Thus we spin round us infinitely fine filaments and construct a system.
The abdomen bears a number of fine tactile filaments, which, in some species, may include gills.
They appeared to be long, fine filaments of a reddish light.
Between the stakes he spun a web of very fine filaments of teksin, invisible until the sun caught them.
The whiskers generally began life as exceedingly fine filaments which could be seen to thicken as they got older.
Guilford noticed the fine filaments of gray at her temples.
But even the finest filaments of sound throb with life, and climactic moments are ferocious.
He now noticed that the second smaller circle had a single fine filament extending into space, not unlike a tail.
Crawling on a sliver of gold, a strand of hair, a filament so fine it often seemed to disappear.